Saturday 25 October 2014



Base experiences and/in Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills that is.

Saturday 4 October 2014


of Midnight.

Time Factors/Factoring and Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills [and as compared and to speak of 7:00 p.m., and the rest of Nairobi too that is].

Wednesday 13 August 2014

the Local Police Station

The Local Police Station.

Local Identity and Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills, and as truly said Nationalist that is.

Saturday 12 July 2014

the Kenyan Chapel (Mass)

The Kenyan Chapel (Mass).

Conscientiousness and Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills.

Friday 20 June 2014

Saturday 14 June 2014

Friday 30 May 2014

the Memorific

The Memorific.

Of the Memorific, and speak even and of the Mainstay too that is, and in said Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills too that is.

Thursday 22 May 2014

the Bedroom

The Bedroom.

The Bedroom, and as with it even said the most favoured or ideal too, place of stay, and for those at Home in all, and in Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills too that is.

Wednesday 2 April 2014


of Dreams.

Those living in Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills, and who in many a way even, do consider it all a Home, will in many a way find themselves, Dreaming heavily, and as with speak even of Night Dreams too, and which do appear to come in two varieties:

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Jude the Obscure

Jude the Obscure.

of Sensitivity and Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills too.

Monday 31 March 2014

Calling for Government assistance, and as with regards to helping in all forment Karen--Hillside - Ngong Hills and as a Communal existence too in all, and as with this speaking even and of not only the contents of this Blog, but in all ways even, a Government Website or Blog, and that does speak on anything of interest, and as with regards even to speak of education, law, healthcare, transportation, religion/religious services, '', special functions, and even volunteer opportunities too that is. All this too, and as with this referring to the attempt to Salvage in all, the Karen--Hillside - Ngong Hills area, and as with regards even to helping put Order to the place that is.

Sunday 30 March 2014

Sunday 23 March 2014

Friday 21 March 2014

Friday 14 March 2014


of Passageways.

Glory Be

Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end. Amen.

Points of Reference, and Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Tuesday 11 March 2014

the Wicked

The Wicked.

The Wicked, and as with it all even speaking of everyday evil and in Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills too, and as with speak even of a game of Exposure, and as with regards to speak of Embarrassment, Shame or Guilt too. 

Saturday 8 March 2014

the Horrific

The Horrific.

The Horrific, and as with it even speaking of our basic perceptions of life, and in Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills too, and as with this furtherly referring even, and to speak of basic Religion too that is. 

Myths of Origin

Myths of Origin.

Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills.

Wednesday 5 March 2014


of Goblins.

Of Imagination and Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills.


of Sketches.

Memory, and as with speak even of Identity too, and Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills.

the Reprise

The Reprise.

The Reprise and Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills.

Monday 3 March 2014


of Toddlers.

Madonna: Five Books for Children.

Toddlers, and as with this referring even and to just whom those in Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills are, and while growing up too in all actually.

Saturday 1 March 2014

the Relapse

The Relapse.

The Time Relapse, and of Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills too.

Saturday 22 February 2014


of Song.

Chorus - Sons of God: Hear His Holy word,
Gather around the table of the Lord
 Eat His Body, drink His Blood
 And we'll sing a song of love
 Allelu, allelu, allelu, alleluia.

1- Brothers, sister we are one,
 And our life has just begun,
 In the spirit we are young,
 We can live forever more.

 2- Shout together to the Lord
 Who has promised our reward,
 Happiness a hundred fold
 And we'll live forever more.

 3- Jesus gave a new command:
 That we love our fellow man,
 Till we reach the promised land
 Where we'll live forever more.

 4- If we want to live with Him,
 We must also die with Him,
 Die to selfishness and sin
 And we'll live forever more.

 5- Make the world a unity,
 Make all men one family,
 Till we meet The Trinity
 And we'll live forever more.

 6- With the church we celebrate,
 Jesus coming we await,
 So we'll make a holiday,
 So we'll live forever more.

Of Song and Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills.


of Misgivings.

Of Misgivings, and Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills.

the Engagement

The Engagement.

The Engagement, and Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills too.

Thursday 20 February 2014

the Conundrum

The Conundrum.

The Conundrum, or speak even and of the Greatest Mystery, or even truly again, the only thing those in Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills, would truly care to know of that is.


of Honey.

Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills.

Wednesday 19 February 2014


of Misfortune.

Singularity and Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills.

the Farewell

The Farewell.

Of Ceremony, and Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills.

Monday 17 February 2014


of Interpretations.

Of Interpretations, of Life and Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills too.

Saturday 15 February 2014

the Elixir

The Elixir.

The Elixir, and in Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills too, and as with it speaking even and of what does constitute for Reality, and in a World today where Reality in all is said to consist of the Real and the Unreal/Imaginary, and as with the Elixir here in all (in Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills), said to speak of Reality, and from speak even and of the Internal and the External that is.

Friday 14 February 2014

the Renewal

The Renewal.

The Renewal, and Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills too [and as with the Renewal here, very much speaking even and of just what a Sunday Mass Service in Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills should be all about that is].

Thursday 13 February 2014

Don Juan

of Don Juan.

Mastery, Discipline and Responsibility, and in Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills too that is.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

of Poetry

of Victorian Poetry.

Of Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills, and the Victorian.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

The Counting Crows - August and Everything After

The Counting Crows - August and Everything After.

'The Line in Between.........' & Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills too.

Counting Crows --- Mr. Jones.

Remembering Kenyan Music Television/TV, and through, into the 90's, the Nineties.

Thursday 30 January 2014

of Consciousness

of Consciousness.

Tesla --- Love Song

Live 2015 Tour

This post in many a way, will attempt  to and in all, even, state the very belief that, talk of Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills in all again, probably does and in all truly even, have to it all, its very own form of Consciousness that is. To understand this better, is to not also speak of perhaps, and of believed said even (and as with speak of things and as they are), and of a said even delusion in all, Kenyan, and that does and in all, even say, or state that. Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills, is truly very much said in nature, as the very said Garden of Eden too that is [and as with further speak even that is, and of the said Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained posts too that is].

In many a way though, this in all, does not truly speak even, and of the Sophie B. Hawkins song, 'As I Lay Me Down to Sleep', and which does attempt to have one capturing Reality, and as it truly really is that is [and as with speak even that is, and of the said Present, the Moment. and of the said Now too that is], but that in speak and of Consciousness and Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills too that is, it does in many a way even, speak of Consciousness in all, and as it is in all, probably, bestly, as said, and as seen in India too that is [and as with India even, defining Consciousness in all, and from a said differing perspective, and from most of Asia too that is]. In all, and in talk of Consciousness in India and in all again, primarily perceived, and from the very said perspective too that is, and of Self-Consciousness too actually [and as with it even, speak of, and of the overcoming of Shame too and in particular that is].

In Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills though, Consciousness in all, and as perceived even, and from the said perspective of Self-Consciousness in all, and as with this even dealing with issues or matters, and as said as pertaining to Denial  in itself too actually, and as with all this not speaking of capturing Reality and as it is [and as with the Moment or Now], but in all ways even, speaking truly of, and of what is and in all possibly said actually [that it is believed that those who do make a home of Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills in all, are in Denial of Reality, and as with what is truly said as possible, and as with those in Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills in all again, said believed even to suffer, and from many an issue and as said as pertaining to Self-Sabotage/Sabotage in all, and as with truly even being in Denial, that all of ones said dreams, can truly come true, and as with this all speaking of a state of mind, or held beliefs even, but with the Denial part of all this, said as speaking in all, and of just how best in all, to make ones Dreams in all again, actually come Real or True that is] [that Success in all again, can come to one, but with the said end result that is, being a said lack of satisfaction in all, and as in not knowing that, for those in Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills perhaps, Success, has to come in a certain way or manner, or in many a way even, it all finding one, and as truly lacking a said sense of satisfaction in all (or satisfaction in itself too), and in anything one does too that is].

In all and again, 'Love Song' and by Tesla too, of America, the American Stage, of Guitars, American, Native American, of Guitar Solos, Indian, African, [Link], not speaking of Denial in itself actually, but in many a way truly even, the very song in itself, and as perhaps exposing to one, just how ones Dreams in all again, should and in all, even, come true, and in their ways or manners too that is.

In all and again, perhaps, a rejoinder, of Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills, and as in all said as perceived as the 'Garden of Eden' too that is, speaking more of the said Behavioural in all, and as compared to speak and of said Infrastructure too that is [that it is believed that those who do in all, even, live in Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills that is, do tend to express themselves more freely and openly, and as compared to those said as living, and in other said parts of Nairobi too that is].

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Saturday 11 January 2014

the Mundane

The Mundane.

The Mundane, and in Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills, and as with it even speaking of getting in touch with ourselves that is. In all ways even, this does speak of whom we are when at home and just by ourselves too, and in all ways even, speak of everyday memories and realities too that is.