Friday 25 May 2018

to Wonder

of Wonder.

of Memory.

Of Memory, of Karen/Hillside - Ngong Hills, and of the said Energies too that is, and that do and in all, even, Shape us, [Link], or one, of Perspectives, Views, Outlooks, Perceptions etc. and of said life too that is, of Life, the Autonomous, the Memorable, and if not in a said too that is, comparison, versus, and to talk too of, and of those said Energies too that is, and that do and in all, even, Define us, [Link], or one, of Beliefs, Thoughts, Opinions, Ideas etc., of the Simply, Merely, Truly, Fully said, and with the Latterly said, as said to and in all, even, define us, or one, and in talk too of, and of said Individual, or Personal Responses, or of the said Memorific too that is, [Link], the Reflexive.

In all and again, talk too of, and of the said following of Settings, or Points, in Memory, and in said Karen, Nairobi too that is: of Ideal Farm, Hardy Shopping Center, Karen 'C' Primary School, the Giraffe Center, Karen Shopping Center, St. Mary's Karen Primary School, Kenol Petrol Station - Langata Road, Ndege Road, Spiritan House, Karen Country Club, Karen Blixen Museum, Koitobos Road, Maasai Lane, Karen Road, Kenya Bus/Matatu Route 24, Nairobi National Park, Kwarara Road, Tamasha Joint, [Link], Co-operative College of Kenya etc., and if not in/of their said Memories too that is.